The Sarvah Kshema Hospital and Research Foundation has been dedicated to work towards betterment of health of everyone through Yoga, Ayurveda and spirituality. We’ve given it a space and a form, a hospital that will serve you by soothing the roots of your ailments and providing you with an atmosphere of divinity.
Situated on the NH 66, 16 kilometres from the North of Udupi is this Spiritual Laboratory of Swami Vivekananda. The site is divided into 2 parts- a heavily wooden front area and an area which is predominantly open, imbibed with the tranquillity of nature.
The sole purpose of constructing this campus which is spread in the extensive area of 11.5 acres, is to help ordinary humans inculcate in themselves extra ordinary God like qualities of love, patience, forgiveness, dutifulness and selflessness.
Our Revered Doctorji were graced by the Divine visions of Shri Swami Vivekananda. The austere embrace compelled him to construct a temple which went beyond Religion with the only intention of restoring faith in humanity.
Our hospital works around the concept of ‘return to nature’ as we at SHRF believe in natural and divine healing. Yoga is our ultimate tool for the same.
The yoga wing of Divine Park has been extended into the holistic hospital, SHRF. It has been constructed keeping two things in mind- Nature and Culture. While nature on one hand is depicted in water, vegetation etc, culture on the other hand lies in faith, principles and elevation of saatvik guna in life.
As our key beliefs are the ones of serving and nation-building, we felt the need to create this unique hospital, so that the modern society can also reap the benefits of this 5000-year-old practice. Most of us are well aware of the numerous benefits of Yoga, now we can use it to heal and revive ourselves through SHRF.
Ever since the day when the foundation of the SHRF has been laid, our beloved and utmost respected Swami Vivekananda (Guruji) has been the guide on the path of Spiritual enlightenment.
Sri Ramakrishna on the other hand is the main deity here. Shri Doctorji receives direct messages from Guruji and messages like sadhana, fortitude, dedication are the cornerstones at Divine Park and are religiously practised
The Divine Park is the dream creation of Dr. A Chandrashekhara Udupa, who was a Medico. He derived his inspiration from Shrimath Swami Jagadatmanandaji from Sri Ramkrishna Math, who insisted that Doctorji should submit himself deep in to Sadhana. Doctorji obeyed and indulged in deep Sadhana. He yearned Guruji to make him an instrument with the only motive of service to mankind. Swami Vivekananda Ji then started giving his divine messages in the form of Shrutis. One of such impactful and life changing Shrutis is- “Walk on fire! Fly in air! I am here! Why do you fear? Oh my dear! Make it clear! Be with cheer!”