The ultimate goal of Yoga is to unite the mind, body and soul and become ‘one’ with a universal mind through various exercises. Like exercise, Yoga includes some physical activities comprising of Asanas. With the practise of these postures, it helps your body to a limited extent. However, by adding the right emotions and feelings to this activity, you can achieve better results. Hence, practising these four Bhavas- the practice with Asanas has an enhanced impact.
These feelings, known as Bhavas, should be passionate while performing the Asanas to achieve higher consciousness. These four bhavas and their application in Yoga come from Samkhya philosophy.
1. Dharma Bhava
Dharma means duty, and Dharma bhava helps you realize your priorities, giving your practice a deeper meaning through postures like Sukhasana and Padmasana.
Setting priorities in life and acting accordingly is needed to fulfil the duty towards one-self and humanity on a larger scale. You must concentrate on the practice and consider it a valuable addition to your life. Realizing its importance and the difference it makes, helps you experience discipline and duty which is nothing but experiencing Dharma Bhava within yourself.
2. Jnana Bhava
Jnana or Gyan Bhava is the knowledge of what happens to your body while performing the Asanas like Dhauti, Kapalbhati and Trataka. Going into the depths, questioning, understanding and analysing the experience gives you exactly what you seek.
This knowledge is only possible when your mind is steady and concentrated, which helps you to attain spiritual development.
3. Vairagya Bhava
Vairagya is letting go and shaking off the unwanted attachments, feelings and fear from your mind, which impacts priorities in your daily routine. Your mind gets lighter with the cleansing of this baggage, and your mind becomes calmer and steady with asana like Shavasana.
A relaxed mind makes you think clearer and helps you to focus on your duty towards your practice.
4. Aishwarya Bhava
Aishwarya bhava is obtained when Dharma, Jnana and Vairagya bhavas are practised. It helps you to develop strength and determination within yourself with Kriyas like Jalneti and Bhujangasana. With the attainment of this Bhava, your energy levels increase, boosting the positivity in your life.
These bhavas are the elements of spiritual life and can also be achieved without the Asanas. Maintaining the right mental state, you can incorporate these Bhavas into your life. The key to getting the best results is to combine the Asanas and the Bhavas and stay dedicated to your practice.